

Gabriel is the fourth archangel, and twin to Ariel. He rules over Yesod, the Moon, as well as commands over the Strongest. He oversees the West, and represents the element of Water. Gabriel is the archangel of comfort, joy, and mercy--making him one of the more empathic archangels, but that doesn't mean he isn't prone to mischief and sass. After seeing what became of Michael and Lucifer when they tried to follow their father, Gabriel decided that he would take after his mother as much as he could. He shares her warm energy, the spirit of wisdom, and one of her Sephira. He also shares her compassion and empathy for the humans, wanting to comfort them, and correct his mistakes above all else. Gabriel, like his mother, is the dangerous nexus between the spiritual and the material that is the realm of Yesod; the thin veil between the subconscious and the conscious mind.

Name: Gabriel
Age: His vessel is 35
Birthday: September 4
Gender: Male
Height/Weight: 5'8"/145 lbs
Species: Archangel
Personality Type: INFP-A (formerly an ENTP-A)
Heritage: None
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Primary Language: English
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Skin Color: Peach
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color/Style/Accessories: Light brown/Short and wavy
Positive Traits: Empathic, caring, quick-witted, a warrior, strong-willed
Negative Traits: Sassy, cold and vindictive
Hobbies: Flower arranging, traveling, playing with animals, having tea/coffee with his sister, flying, performing (singing, playing)
Fashion Style: casual, green military jacket, jeans, and worker boots.
Worries/Fears: Losing his family, being inadequate.
Emotional/Mental Weaknesses: PTSD, depression/anxiety
Emotional/Mental Strengths: Doesn't get triggered easy, nor is he easily manipulated.
Dexterity: Ambidextrous
Talents: He can play any musical instrument.
Theme song:
⦁ Color: Green, Purple
⦁ Food/Drink: Anything sweet
⦁ Hobby: Flying


Gabriel's manner is the most human of any of the angels, because of his long stay on earth. He holds humans in high regard, despite their many faults. He's sweet, even though he can be a bit sassy. Gabriel has no problem speaking his mind and telling people how he feels about them or what he thinks they need to hear. He often uses misdirection to get what he wants, but that doesn't mean he doesn't keep the other person in mind as he's manipulating them.


Gabe's angelic form is golden and purple, he has the muzzle of a dog, his eyes are an iridescent silver. His “hair” is mid-length, brown, and looks oddly like his vessel's. His halo is more a white/light silver flower crown of lilies, the crown chakra glow rests in the center front-facing "flower" of the halo. Each chakra point a human has glows with the colored aura associated with it, the glow fades into white, presumably into colors the human eye, or mind, can't comprehend. He has pointed ears, with two silver horns that match the curve of his ear, curving just over his halo. He's 8'11, so he's still short (Michael is 19'10). He's pale despite his golden glow, his vibrational energy is orange, unlike his grace which is a golden purple, a soft white gold with soft hints of purple. Gabriel has six arms, his body is toned, not bulky, but still strong, and androgynous, skeletal almost. He wears the same armor Michael does, but his is not full armor, his method of fighting deals mostly with magic, so being held down by heavy armor would only hinder him.

His wings burst from his shoulders in a white light that hold soft traces of golden silver. His upper wings are whiter than his lower pairs and shimmer with gold dust. His second pair are golden and his third pair sparkle with the colors of the sunset, the tips of each have cotton candy colors. They're a mix down feathers, and contour ones; a thin layer of magically endowed contour feathers, over a thick layer of down. It's why there's a gold and silver powder to his wings. His wings give off a soft purple glow, that is reflected in some of the powder.

He has a long, fluffy golden tail that slowly fades to silver than white at the tip. His pale skin seems to sparkle with gold scales. His legs are humanoid, and his feet are similar to a dove's but slightly furry.


  • Angelic Possession: A unique form of possession exhibited by angels. Unlike demons or vengeful spirits, which may possess hosts with impunity, angels require both the consent of the vessel, as an archangel the vessel needs to belong to a particular bloodline able to contain them for any length of time.

  • Biokinesis: By snapping or clicking their fingers, Archangels can make people and beings explode.

  • Chronokinesis: The power to control, and travel through time

  • Conjuration: Conjuration (or Projection) is the ability to create or magnify material objects already in existence or to teleport an object from another place or another time.

  • Cosmic Awareness: Awareness of everything happening in the cosmos/multiverse, but he has a more complete awareness of universes he's apart of.

  • Dreamwalking: Gabriel can enter the dreams and minds of humans.

  • Elemental manipulation: The ability to manipulate air, fire, water, earth, and spirit. They can use it to manipulate weather conditions and temperatures.

  • Empathy: Gabriel can feel the emotions of people and animals.

  • Healing: He can heal a human of any wound or disease they possess.

  • Exorcism: Gabriel can kill lower-ranking demons just by thinking or simply by touching the body that they're possessing.

  • Immortality: Even though his vessel can be killed, Gabriel can't be killed; he can be weakened, but once he heals he would just find another vessel.

  • Flight: He can fly! But Gabe doesn't need pixie dust.

  • Induced Sedation: He can cause humans to fall to the ground unconscious just by touching their forehead.

  • Manifestation: Archangels can manifest human bodies for themselves, and create matter and life if they choose.

  • Pathokinesis: Gabriel has the ability to generate divine light. He can ignite or disintegrate any object or thing by touch. This ability also allows him to kill and exorcise demons by placing his hand upon their forehead. And he has the ability to purify the souls of those affected by demons

  • Psychokinesis: The ability to move things with the mind.

  • Reality warping/illusion: The power to make reality what he wants/ Gabriel can make illusions as real as reality.

  • Regenerative healing factor: He can quickly heal himself over time.

  • Restorative Powers: Restorative help in others.

  • Resurrection: Finding another vessel.

  • Semi-Omnipotence: Gabriel is among one of the most powerful celestial beings in existence.

  • Semi-Omniscient: Gabriel possesses an immense amount of knowledge of the Universes.

  • Shapeshifting: He can turn his body into whatever he wants, and can turn objects into other objects.

  • Skilled Fighter: As the highest warriors of heaven, Archangels are skilled warriors and trained fighters and master swordsmen.

  • Superhuman Stamina: Archangels don't need to eat or sleep.

  • Superhuman Strength: Astronomical physical strength.

  • Superhuman Speed: Gabriel's speed can make him appear as a blur of motion to the human eye.

  • Supernatural Senses: His senses exceed that of a normal human.

  • Telepathy: He can read the minds of other angels, spirits, people, animals, and demons and communicate with them.

  • Teleportation: He can teleport anywhere in the universe, regardless of time or space.


Gabriel came from the apocalypse universe, killing that Dean under Michael's orders. Once Michael killed his family, Gabriel ran, too young to know that his family wasn't actually dead; he was looking for another universe to call home. Seeing how preoccupied Chuck was, Gabe was able to slip into the Prime universe undetected, taking the form of a fledgling. There he grew up as normal, only telling his sister his secret much later.


  • Due to his torture from Asmodeus, Gabriel suffers from PTSD.

  • He often has depression/anxiety episodes from his experiences from the multiverse.

  • Michael injected Gabriel with his grace once, that helped him get better control of fire, but Raphael had to remove it from his system later. Because he had Mike's Grace, his Grace used to have some of the same shade of blue that is associated with Michael, that's the only reason Gabriel thinks he's still alive. It's why the Grace Asmodeus was injecting himself with was blue, it was a mix of Gabe's and Mike's.

  • He always watched over Sam, appearing to him as teachers or friends when Sam was little to balance out Azazel's presence and influence.

  • He gave Sam a golden feather.

  • Raphael taught him to fly.

  • Lucifer taught him to create life.

  • Gabriel's wings radiate warmth, not overwhelming warmth, but a comfortable one; they instantly calm whoever they are around, and make them sleepy.

  • Angel wings are hypersensitive--intense pain or pleasure are easy reactions to get, even if it's accidental.

  • He has another weapon besides his Archangel Blade, Gabriel also has a modified pole-axe.

  • Angel blood is sweet, often tasting like various types of desserts or just straight-up sugar. It's like liquid bliss and is addictive for that reason alone. It doesn't cause withdrawal symptoms; however, it's potent, which makes Overdosing easy

  • Gabe keeps his vessel's temperature abnormally high so he's always warm; he's like a personal heater, it helps when comforting people.

  • If an angel has any bonds they would be seen as small wisps of Grace going toward the person they have a connection to, kind of like a thin thread.

  • Most souls are white with traces of color depending on what damages or heals a person. Dean and Sam's souls have various shades of blue. Ice blue for Luci, dark blue for Mike (due to their claims on the boys,) and sky blue for all the healing Cass does.

  • Asmodeus is Gabriel's counterpart: Lust is the sin Gabriel has to battle and balance, just like pride (Luce) is Michael's. So, Asmodeus getting Gabe was kind of like his "sin catching up with him" in a way.

  • Sometimes flecks of his Grace can be seen in his eyes.

  • Gabriel's vibrational energy is sunset orange because it's warm and calming; it is the source of his comfort magic and warmth. It also emanates through his wings, giving them their enhanced warmth.

  • He's often called Butterscotch, Gabey, or Chickadee.

  • Some people call him "Lord Gabriel," he hasn't been called that title in a really long time.

  • Gabriel's vessel is his true vessel. He was one of Abel's descendants.

  • True vessels have a telepathic link with their angel; this link can only be instigated by an enochian chant and invoking the angel by name.

  • Gabriel has his Michael's sword. He got it when Michael tried to get rid of him. The little angel was able to best him, and wound him enough to cause him to leave his vessel.


Romantic Interests:
Children: none
Family: Sophia/Asherah, Raphael (@angelwhoheals), Flora (@ParvosAlauda), Michael, Lucifer, Ariel, Castiel.



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